In November, the M-Cube Foundation invites you to two new Masterclasses dedicated to Modern Mythology as part of the Future Film Festival. Looking forward to seeing you!
Modern Mythology in the Decade of Re-readings
DunBo Cinema Hall, Bologna, 15 November 10.00 – 13.00
In the prolonging of a period where it is no longer the creative to suggest, but it is the marketing to impose, in a complex historical/geographical panorama, the output of Modern Mythology seems to have become enmeshed in a rotating cycle of re-use and re-edition of classic titles, sometimes with positive results, sometimes with acclaimed disasters.
However, the ‘remake’ also performs an optimal function in proposing technically and structurally dated – but still fresh in terms of content – works to a more cynical and crafty contemporary audience, which struggles to approach the original but which, through aesthetic regeneration, remains sensitive to the fascination generated by the essence.
The identities of Modern Mythology
Cinema Astra, Sala Rubino, Modena, 25 November 16.30
Working on the identity identification that more than five generations attribute to heroes and fantastic worlds generated by animation, cinema, comics, videogames, television and literature, the contemporary age is carrying out a work of definition and codification of modern myths comparable with the icons of the distant past. An iconographic and content heritage, which, starting from the bottom, inevitably mixes with the forms of culture considered higher.