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The M-Cube Foundation is born

The M-Cube Foundation begins its journey today.
On board two Holdings – Omninext and E.P. (a company that holds the shares of the subsidiary Webtek S.p.A.) -, the Cooperative Societies Doc Servizi and Doc Creativity and a group of high-level professionals who work in the sector of museum curatorship, European planning and crowdfunding.

The Foundation’s program for the year 2022 envisages the consolidation of alliances that facilitate a new relationship between culture, science and technology, with public bodies, universities and businesses, but also with citizens (citizen science, citizen generation) with a view to protect and accompany a new type of innovation and development.

It will deal with concrete protection and boost actions with high and rapid economic, social and cultural impact. It will promote the idea of safeguarding the planet and the environment, with particular attention to sustainability, starting from its (infra)structures, plants and methods of using resources. It will develop the first projects dedicated to stimulating the birth and development of new startups and jobs in the field of Modern Mythology.